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​​Appointments are for 60 minutes unless you require a longer session; this can be negotiated in advance. I see clients both in person and online via Zoom.

All sessions whether face to face or online will begin at the agreed time; if you arrive late, I am not able to extend the session to beyond the scheduled hour.                                                  


​• Initial consultation (up to 30 minutes) Free - usually by telephone

• Individual Counselling Therapy 60-minute session (face to face or Zoom) £60

• 60-minute sessions after 1800 hours (peak rate appointments) £70

• Individual counselling therapy (longer session, 90-minutes) £90

I reserve a few concessionary slots for student counsellors or those on a low income.


Payment is due no less than 48 hours in advance of your session.

Sessions will not be confirmed until payment is received.


I require at least 48 hours notice of any cancellation. I will endeavour to give you adequate notice should I need to cancel our appointment. I will inform you of any holidays or times I’m unavailable.​

Availability, confidentiality and limitations

My availability to you: 

Please note, I cannot offer crisis support. If you are experiencing mental health distress between sessions the following numbers may be useful:

• 24/7 NHS Devon Urgent Mental Health Helpline – 0808 196 8708

• 24/7 Samaritans Nationwide Service – 116123

I regret that I am unable to offer therapeutic advice outside of your booked sessions.


Limitations in the therapy room:

Counselling and therapy will not take place if you are under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol, or if you intend to harm yourself in the therapy room. Please inform me if you have a diagnosis for a psychological condition. I do not usually work with clients if they are already seeing another therapist of a similar nature. Please let me know if this is the case so we can discuss it further.


Ruptures in the therapeutic relationship:

Therapists are human too, and as such can make mistakes. I will do all I can to avoid it, but I might sometimes say or do something which you find unattuned or upsetting. If I become aware of this, I will of course apologise and attempt to mend any rupture. I hope that you will feel able to bring these errors to my attention should they occur. I hope you can do me the kindness of allowing me to be fully human. Should we not be able to mend the relationship, you have the right to raise a complaint to my professional governing body, the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.


​Ending Therapy:

Ending therapy and the therapeutic relationship needs careful planning and consideration if potentially harmful effects are to be avoided. I strongly urge you to work with me towards ending therapy in a way that feels complete and comfortable for you. You may already be aware of old and harmful patterns of ending relationships. Together, we can avoid the pitfalls of the past.



Everything we talk about will remain strictly confidential. I believe this to be integral to the therapeutic process. The only exceptions to the rule of confidentiality are as follows:

• If, in my opinion, there is a risk of serious harm to either yourself or others.

• For the purpose of supervision.

• I am given consent to do so by you the client.

• If I am required to share your basic personal details with public health officials, e.g. virus pandemic test and trace.

• In the unlikely event that my notes are requested by a Court of Law.


Clinical notes and storage of personal data:

I write brief notes during each session and these are stored electronically on a password protected hard drive. Any hard copy notes are kept in a locked cabinet. Personal details are stored separately from clinical notes to maintain your anonymity. Records are kept for 3 years before being destroyed or securely deleted. I am registered with the Information Controllers Office; my reference number is: ZA349040. I am fully insured.

©2024 by davewakleytherapy

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